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Any and all anouncements I make to students in class will appear in this section.

These announcements are categorized based on their subject and urgency.

They will concern due date changes, days I will be out of the classroom, and special event reminders.

Monday, September 5
(Ms. Wildermuth out of class)

Parents and students, I will be out of the classroom Thursday and Friday of next week. I'm attending my sister's wedding out of state. 

No changes will be made to the lesson plan schedule outlined in the September newletter.

I look forward to seeing you all my students in class again on Monday (09/26).

Outdoor Wedding Altar
At a stationery shop
At a stationery shop

Friday, August 12
(Change to Lesson Plan)

As you know, the first week of the year is an excellent time for me to assess the class's knowledge base. I've decided that I will need to take some time to edit my August lesson plans accordingly. An updated newsletter will be distributed within a week. 

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